Our Mission

The Midunu Institute is a non-profit organization that advances consumer health and awareness and creates new economies through the understanding and use of indigenous African ingredients and culinary knowledge. We foster conversations, advocacy and behavior change around our shared culinary heritage.

Our Problem Statement

In its production and consumption of food Ghana, like many other African countries, is on an unsustainable path. The country is home to a biodiverse set of flora rich in nutrients and medicinal properties, yet is a net importer of food and net exporter of cash crops. Cultivated properly, these crops can help feed citizens and develop value chains that connect local products and services to the wider culinary world.

If we get agriculture right in Africa, where most of the people now are working in that sector, not only would it help boost development but we will be secure in terms of food and nutrition and then be able to move on to other areas.
— Kofi Annan


Engage culinarians and producers to document traditional culinary practices in regions across the country. This knowledge will be showcased in dining experiences through a culinary residency program. This work will help spark a national conversation among youth, middle-class consumers and policy makers about the central role of culture in food and agriculture. A concurrent multi-media behavioral change campaign will showcase challenges and successes in developing local food systems that protect indigenous culture and traditions.

Benefits of our Program

  • Increased income to local farmers due to increased consumption of local agricultural goods

  • Increased interest in agricultural biodiversity and climate-smart crops

  • Increased interest in agriculture and food among young people

  • Increased number of young chef proponents of 'New African Cuisine' principles

  • Global awareness of Ghanaian and African ingredients and cuisine.